tmssoftware downloads

TDBPlanner download

* DB aware version. Codeless interface in day, month and dayperiod modes through TDBDaySource, TDBMonthSource & TDBPeriodSource * Tested with (but not limited to) following databases : dBase, Paradox, DBIsam, Access, ...

TEditListBox download

TEditList is a listbox following features added * inplace editable, just like in Explorer * incremental key search and full key search to search for text not at start of items ...

TFormShape download

Adding this component to a form turns a form into a balloon shaped form, like the Microsoft Office assistent. Recommended usage with the A. Meeder office button controls. This product is ...

TFormSize download

Can automatically save last form size & position with or without taking user of the application into account. Can give a form magnet style moving (like WinAMP). Can make a form ...

THintListBox download

Listbox component which shows items in a listbox which do not fit horizontally in the listbox as hints when mouse is moved over. This product is also available in TMS Component ...

THotSpotImage download

* Hotspots can be rectangle, ellipsis, polygon or rotated rectangles, rotated ellipsis * Hotspot handling for hovering, hints, click, double clicks * Includes design time hotspot editor with magic wand tool ...

THTMLButtons download

Standard, flat, Borland and TMS style Checkbox and RadioButton control with multiline & HTML formatted caption capability. * THTMLCheckBox * THTMLRadioButton * THTMLRadioGroup * THTMLCheckGroup * THTMLButton * TDBHTMLCheckBox * TDBHTMLRadioGroup ...

THTMLDialog download

Message dialog with HTML formatting capabilities. All HTML formatting can be set at design time with HTML preview property editor. Requires THTMLabel to be installed. ...

THTMListbox download

* A listbox with HTML formatting capabilities * Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags * Standard, Office 2003, Office 2007 selection colors * HTML aware lookup and sorting and ...

THTMLPopup download

A MS Messenger like popup box that can roll up & down from the bottom of the screen with HTML formatting capabilities.Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags. ...

THTMLTreeList download

A treeview with columns that can have width, alignement and column header specified. This is possible through a new introduced Columns property.The item height can be specified through a new property ...

THTMLTreeView download

A treeview with HTML formatting capabilities, radiobutton and checkbox capability.Checkboxes and radiobuttons support various looks, from standard, flat, Borland style to Windows XP visual styles. Supports a subset of the HTML ...

TImagePicker download

A dropdown image selector. Selects items from an image list with possibility to display text with the image in dropdown. The dropdown list supports various styles, including flat, etched, with focus ...

TInspectorBar download

* TInspectorbar, TINIInspectorbar, TRTTIInspectorbar, TDBInspectorbar * Standard Outlook large and small icon size panels * Can accept controls in InspectorPanels * Build in support for checkboxes, edits, comboboxes, spin editors, datetime ...

TMacroRecorder download

* Records all user mouse & keyboard actions * Save recorded actions to human readable/editable file * Load from human readable/editable file * Playback at normal or fast playback speed * ...

TMoneyEdit & TDBMoneyEdit download

* Edit control with attached dropdown calculator. * Calculator dropdown look fully customizable with a CalculatorLook property. * DB-aware version included. * 4 custom calculator buttons can be added * calculation ...

TMS Advanced Charts download

TAdvChartView : fast multi-pane chart component: * Single or multi pane chart view component * Wide range of 2D chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Donut, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, ...

TMS Advanced Toolbars and Menus download

Includes: - TAdvToolBar: Office 2003 docking toolbar, Office 2007, 2010, 2013 + Windows 7,8 + Metro style ribbon toolbar - TAdvToolBarPager: Office 2007, 2010, 2013 + Windows 7,8 + Metro style ...

TMS Async download

TMS Async is a communications package containing components which provide access to the serial ports under Windows. The event-driven architecture provides the highest possible performance and allows all the tools to ...

TMS Aurelius download

ORM framework for Delphi with full support for data manipulation, complex and advanced queries, inheritance, polymorphism, and more... : - Several database servers supported (MS SQL Server, Firebird, MySQL, DB2, Interbase, ...

TMS Charts for FireMonkey download

- Highly configurable cross-platform chart. - Support for multiple series with optional separate or combined auto range for x- and y-axis. - Bar, grouped bar, absolute stacked bar, percentage stacked bar, ...

TMS Cloud Pack download

Set of VCL components to offer easy access from Windows applications to cloud services Includes: --------- - TAdvDropBox: component for access to DropBox cloud storage - TAdvBoxNet: component to get access ...

TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey download

Seamless connectivity from Delphi for FireMonkey applications to cloud services like OneDrive, Box, DropBox, Bitcasa, Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Youtube, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Google Drive, LinkedIn, Twitter, Windows Live Calendar, PushOver, ...

TMS Component Pack download

Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 400 components in one money and time saving bundle, including feature-rich & powerful grid components, a full series of scheduling, PIM and ...

TMS FlexCel for VCL and FireMonkey download

- FlexCel for VCL / FireMonkey is a suite of Delphi XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8 components allowing to manipulate Excel files. It includes an extensive API allowing ...