football betting downloads

Odds Wizard

2.90 download

Sports prediction and betting software. Generates performance-based odds for the upcoming games ... Stake Wizard 4, decision-making software generating an optimal betting strategy. Using sophisticated probability analysis, it does directly ... is preferable, as well as of the specific betting fund distribution. Based upon new theorem, Stake Wizard ...

MentoLiga download

... is to help you keep track of a football season for any league. You can create your ... the first and second division, as well as betting data for the first and second division by ...

Dan Gordon's NFL Handicapping Companion

8.0 download

... sports bettor for over two decades. His sports betting columns have appeared in the New York Daily ... Herald, Log Angeles Herald Examiner, College and Pro Football Weekly and other newspapers and magazines and he ...


3.3 download

Provides an enhanced betting interface to the leading Betting Exchange, Betfair. Includes ladder interface, real-time price movement ... very similar to Betfair, which should make your betting easy and profitable. All the odds cells are ...

Odds Wizard

2.90 Live Magic Buil download

... games in various sports leagues, including soccer, American football, basketball, and rugby. The application stays connected to ... analysis capabilities that provide them with an optimal betting strategy that offers info on what bet structure ...